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Metabolism Benefits

Insulin Sensitivity and Type Two Diabetes

Many researchers have sought to find out what can improve insulin sensitivity in those who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Insulin sensitivity refers to your bodies ability to properly use insulin. In people with type 2 diabetes, they are often times insulin resistant, meaning that their bodies can't control how much sugar is in the blood because the cell's do not respond to the insulin, which causes a build up of sugar in the blood; leading to type 2 diabetes. 


There are a few ways to increase someone's insulin sensitivity. Two of the most common ways are diet and exercise changes. Studies have shown that when changing diet and exercise for a span of 1 year, it can significantly improve insulin sensitivity as well as a reduction in overall fat mass (Albu et al., 2010). 


Lowering Blood Sugar Through Exercise & Diet

As a type 2 diabetic who might struggle with insulin sensitivity, you can improve your blood sugar by managing it through diet. The key to controlling your blood sugar is to eat a well balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grain (Mayo Clinic, 2023). If you eat an excess of calories or fats, your body no longer needs those and will turn them into extra blood sugar, which your body can't control when being insulin resistant. 


Creating an exercise plan in order to control your diabetes can not only help control your weight but also help control your blood sugar levels. If your doctor gives you the OK to begin an exercise plan, most experts recommend at least 150 minutes of fast walking, biking, or swimming a week (Mayo Clinic, 2022). 

To learn more about the benefits of different types of exercise Click Here


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